Wednesday 28 March 2012

The Kinetioscope was created by Edison, Edison was an American who was an inventor, he came up and invented some great stuff, he took the animation to the part when he created the Kinetoschop. the Kinetscope was a box which had a whole which people can look through to see the animation which would take about 30 seconds. it not just moveing images that you see the Kinetscope also had sound so while they whatch the animation they would have what we call now headphones so they could here the sound as the animation was playing.

A Kinetscope is a dvice which allows people to view the animation through a peephole which was at the top of the device, the anaimtion would be images which are moving fast, to make them loo like they are moving images. The Kinetscope was one of the first such device to be distributed and developed. But the design proved to me a failure as it had inspired to create better ones, it could be classed as a landmark invention in the history of film. Thomas Edison created this device which was done in his laboratory where he and Willaim Dickinson came up with the idea of this device. the Kinetoscope was about four feet tall large wooden box, it had a samll brass viwer (peephole) on the top of the woodenbox which would allow people to look down and watch the film. the film, inside was set up on a looping system

Joseph Plateau (phenakitoscope),
Joseph Plateau was born on the 14th October 1801 and then pasted away in September 1883 when he was 81.  Joseph was the first person ever to demonstrate the illusion of an image moving, how he did this was he used a counter and then rotated it with images on which have different pictures on and as it span it gave the look of the image moving like an animation today. The way that people could see the animation moving was by putting spaced slit in-between the images on the disc then people would consecrate on one spot which to see then they would be able to see the movement of the animation and making look like it’s moving. He then went on calling this device the Phenakistoscope this was around 1832.

The Phenakistoscope was the first device that was made that gave the illusion of moving images which had two discs, one which was small and the other which was biger so i would look like the imge was moving.  
William Horner (zoetrope)
William Horner who the inventor for the zoetrope, this device was invented in 1843, but it wasn’t all called a zoetrope no but had a different name to start out with, it was called Daedalum which actually meant “wheel of the Devil”, this device was based on the invention that Joseph Plateau had created which was the Phenakistoscope, but the Zoetrope was a bit more better than the Phenakistoscope because it didn’t need a viewing point or a viewing mirror that people that to look at. It also allowed more than one person to use the zoetrope at the same time. William’s Horner invention become forgotten for almost thirty year, this was wired because for a device which was more better than the last was odd, but around 1867 when an English man called M. Bradley patented it, but in American it was given the new name from Daedalum to Zoetrope or wheel of life but this was done by a man called William F. Lincoln. Which now it is known by everyone as a Zoetrope
The way the zoetrope works is by having a drum with an open top, which  is supported on a stand, inside the drum there were hand drawn picture each with a different movement so when the zoetrope was to be span around it would look like the images are moving, the hand drawn image goes all-round the drum in side, but as it spun around there where whole on the side of the drum which people would look in to see the animation, the images in the drum could be taken out and re placed by other images this gave more of a choice in which image people would like to see. To create a good illusion on the zoetrope so the images don’t look jaggy or anything, the drum is spun, but the faster it is spun then the smoother the images will look and it will look amazing. The holes on the side is where people can look in at the moving images but because there is more than one hole on this device it allows more than one person to view it at the same time.

The zoetrope is the third major optical toy out there, after the thaumatrope and phenkistoscope. But when the praxinoscope was invented interest in the zoetrope went down as the praxionscope was the new thing and then as year had got on more thing where invented which just beat the zoetrope like, photographic film in 1889, and then in 1895 modern cinema was born, which meant the zoetrope became less and less used throughout the years.   

Emile Reynaud (praxinoscope)
Emile Reynaud was the inventor of the praxinoscope which was invented in 1877; this was the first device that overcomes the picture distortion which was caused by viewing through moving slots. The image that this device produce was more brilliant than any other device that have been done, because it’s more advance than any other device that has been made the praxinoscope had quickly replaced the zoetrope and became more popular than it as well.

Picture are placed inside the shallow outer part, so that each image can be reflected by the inner set of mirrors, the amount of mirror is to how many images there. Then in images can viewed in the mirrors on the device. When the outer part of the device is rotating, it will then reflect the moving image on the mirror which the people look at and it gave out the animation feel as people watch the images moving, also it could use a light which would project the moving images on to a board or a wall so you can see them more better than looking into a mirror. For the projection on the wall way the praxinoscope would come in a box which you can set up and then place a light or lamp on top of it or on the side to make it project an image on the wall. Most of the image that where in the praxinoscope would keep on repeating them myself so it would look like that they were just consistently going, all the image have eight which images on which would have different movement on each one until the end where it will look like the first one so it could repeat itself, as was said before there are many different animation that could be placed in the praxinoscope so people could see different one, there was clown juggling balls, a dog running round its owner, a person picking up a box, these are just a few of many strips that are out there.

Emile Reynaud the inventor of this device, his father was a horologer and medal engraver, the Reynaud house was always full of mysterious object that fascinated the young Emile to come up with his own ideas, his mother was an idealist with progressive ideas where education was most concerned. Emile decided to create this very own optical toy by doing he looked at the Phenkistoscope and the Zoetrope and improving on them and then he can up with the praxinoscope and 21st December 1877 he got the praxinoscope patented.

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